List of legislation and policy to consider...
Links to important local (LCR) policies:
- Nature Connected - the Liverpool City Region Local Nature Partnership
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy - coming soon (2025 for the LCR)
- Farmland species recovery project - more info coming soon.
- Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plans
- Sefton Coast Plan including nature conservation strategy
- Mersey Forest Plan
- Liverpool City Region and West Lancashire Recreation Mitigation Strategy - more info coming soon.
- LCR CA City Region Pathway to Net Zero, 5-year action plan.
- Integrated water plan for the Upper and Lower Mersey (see Mersey Rivers Trust)
- Catchment Management and Flooding Plans for the River Alt, Sankey etc., find them on the government flood management plan page
- Local Sites Partnerships (for Local Wildlife Sites)
- MEAS website- includes a guidance note for BNG in the LCR
- Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
- Other Local Authority action plans, for example climate change and green infrastructure - see Local Authority websites. For the LCR this is Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Wirral.
Important National policies and legislation:
- Environment Act 2021
- Statutory BNG Guidance
- The 25 Year Environment Plan
- The conservation of habitats and Species Directive 2017
- Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs)
- Natural England GI Framework
- Statutory health and wellbeing plans, or view the NHS framework for Health and Wellbeing
- Defra Integrated water plan