Habitat Needs

With mandatory BNG coming in January 2024, there will be substantial need for offsite compensation via habitat banks and projects. The BNG needs assessment carried out as part of this project, found that within a 5km buffer of the project NIAs, suggested that there could be a need for

  • Over 200ha of 'area' habitat creation;
  • Approximately 2km of hedgerow or treeline planting
  • Around 8 km of ditch and brook habitat creation or enhancement

In terms of broad habitat types, the figure right, shows an approximate breakdown of each area habitat type required. 'Any' habitat type is where baseline habitats were low or very low distinctiveness and therefore can be offset by any habitat type.


*OMH = Open Mosaic Habitat on Previously Developed Land


These figures are based on a study of baselines in Local Authority planning allocation plots within 5km of the project NIA sites, these buffer zones cover a total of:

  • 53.18% of the total Liverpool City Region land area;

This equates to:

  • 62% of Sefton
  • 94% of St Helens
  • 53% Liverpool
  • 82% of Knowsley

It's also worth noting that planning allocations only represent a portion of possible land to be developed in the region, and the project areas doe not covered the boroughs of Halton or Wirral. So the actual need within the LCR is likely to be greater than this.


If you are a Developer in need of purchasing BNG units, you can check out what is available locally, on our Habitat Bank Map
If you are a 'Seller', landowner or habitat project manager, you can check out the Habitat Opportunity and Multiple Benefits Map, however note that this only covers the three project NIAs.
For more information, look through the 'Seller's Guide' for help, guidance, and inspiration.